Take a journey through nature....
to find your true nature.
A Quest of any kind is a heroic journey. It is a rite of passage that carries you to an inner place of silence and majesty and encourages you to live life more courageously and genuinely. I highly recommend Catriona's quests. They are truly sojourns of the heart.
~ Denise Linn
One long-ago day around 3200 B.C., the farmers and herdsmen on Scotland’s remote Orkney Islands decided to build something big. They had Stone Age technology, but their vision was millennia ahead of their time...
Read more of this exciting National Geographic article!
For centuries, people have embarked on rites of passage and spiritual journeys into nature to gain awareness of the sacred realms - and greater understanding of themselves, their life direction, and their place in the universe. These powerful archetypal passages can change a person's life profoundly.
Nature Quest, Vision Quests, Nature Tours and Spiritual Retreats, will help you find greater wisdom, truth, health and spiritual fulfillment.
These days, we spend more time indoors or in cars commuting - leaving little time for deep inner journeys or quiet walks in the woods. We miss the subtle changes in the wind, the calls of birds, the smell of the land beneath our feet, the wonder of the night sky. But all these profound joys are waiting to be remembered and rediscovered.
The Earth speaks to us all if we just take a moment to listen.
"My quest with Catriona was a life-changing, enchanting experience. She's a grounded teacher, offering her gifts of magic in the most humble way. The quest had far-reaching effects- the limbs continue to stretch out into my everyday life experience and sprout new branches. I feel I was initiated to be tapped into the Earth's song and I can hear her in new ways now. My new appreciation for the world and it's subtleties have put me more in tune with myself." H.B. U.S.A.